Branding Guidelines
Updated MARCH 2023
Copyright © 2023 NOR Offshore Rental
Our logo is a valuable element of our visual identity. The following examples are intended to demonstrate how to use the logo across a variety of situations to ensure it is always presented in the best light.
Primary logo
A clear logo containing only letters.
Clear space
Protect the logo with a minimum clear space on all sides to ensure its visibility and impact. No graphic elements of any kind should invade this zone. Use the "n" to determine minimum space.
Logo for Social media
Logo for many of the most popular social media platforms out there. We regularly update this page to make sure you can get the latest versions of the logos.
Colour Palette
Dark Blue
Hex #071B3E
RGB 7, 27, 62
CMYK 100, 88, 42, 54
Pantone P 103-16 C
5454 Jotun Dark Teal
NCS 6713 - B34G
RAL 5004 Black blue
Bright Blue
Hex #0012C2
RGB 0, 18, 194
CMYK 95, 87, 0, 0
Pantone P 102-8 C
5351 Jotun Havbris
NCS S3020-B
RAL 5002 Ultramarine blue
Soft blue
RGB 181, 207, 219
CMYK 29, 10, 8, 0
Pantone P 117-9 C
5351 Jotun Havbris
NCS S3020-B
RAL 5014 Pigeon blue
Hex #FAF7F2
RGB 250, 247, 242
CMYK 0, 1, 1, 3
Pantone P 1-1 C
10246 Jotun Velvet
NCS 2120-Y06R
RAL 1013 Oyster white
Hex #B8FF66
RGB 184, 255, 102
CMYK 30, 0, 80, 0
Pantone P 160-7 C
1391 Lys Antikkgrå
NCS S1502-Y
RAL 6039 Fibrous green
Consistent use of typography is a critical to bringing a brand to life.
Primary typeface
Based on Libre Franklin, Public Sans is a strong, neutral typeface for interfaces, text, and headings. These fonts are licensed under the Open Font License and available to download from Google fonts.
Designed by USWDS, Dan Williams, Pablo Impallari, Rodrigo Fuenzalida
Public Sans
Public Sans Light 300
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo
Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
0123456789 ¿ ? ¡ ! & @ ‘ ’ “ ” « » % * ^ # $ £ € ¢ / ( ) [ ] { } . , ® ©
Public Sans SemiBold 600
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo
Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
0123456789 ¿ ? ¡ ! & @ ‘ ’ “ ” « » % * ^ # $ £ € ¢ / ( ) [ ] { } . , ® ©
Font in use - example
For headlines, the tone is approachable and friendly. The Light weight of Public Sans at a large size conveys an open character.
Title (Public Sans Light 300)
Body text (Public Sans Light 300) Donec lectus orci, molestie sit amet magna et, porttitor dictum massa. Integer commodo volutpat ligula, in sodales augue hendrerit id. Vestibulum tincidunt eget erat sollicitudin tempor. Curabitur purus justo, fringilla vel convallis fringilla, posuere in orci. Donec viverra condimentum rhoncus. Nulla vehicula imperdiet ornare. Nullam suscipit volutpat laoreet. Vestibulum rhoncus lacus purus, in ornare est posuere at. Donec imperdiet dignissim dui. Donec lectus orci, molestie sit amet magna et porttitor.
Graphic Elements
The arrow symbol used in different combinations resmebles the geographic coverage and the rent and return process of the company
Image fills
Photography plays a key role in the overall content and appearance of NOR Offshore Rental. Our selection of photography and 3Ds should be honest, approachable, purposeful, and thoughtful.
Product ad - Green
Product ad - Blue
Job ad - Green
Visual Identity
Business card
Email signature
The email signature must contain:
• The sender’s name
• Title
• Mobile number
• Company name
• Web address
• Logo (optional)
Font: If posible use Public Sans, if not use standard font, Sans Seriff. Size: Use same font size in your signature as your body text.
Best regards
Name Surname
Title here
+47 000 00 000
NOR Offshore Rental
PowerPoint presentation template
Download the NOR Offshore PowerPoint presentation template.
Cover images for LinkedIn.
Letterhead template made in Word.
Roll up
NOR Offshore Rental © 2023