Welcome to the Andiron brand standards. This Brandpad is a digital compilation of the core assets and elements that comprise our brand, and your guide to preserving the enigmatic appeal that Andiron emanates.
As we continue to present our brand to our customers and community, communicating with care and consistency further empowers us to intrigue, to delight, and to deliver an experience worthy of our diners’ time and trust.
Last Updated: november 2022
Where there’s smoke
Verbal Identity
Our verbal identity is both what we say and how—the particular language and tone we use clarifies our role and distinguishes our voice from others. Beyond the personality we project, our manner of speaking is entwined with our restaurant’s reason for being—why we exist, where we excel, and what we aspire to.
While the medium may vary, our content should remain rooted in this core voice, keeping top of mind the goals and attitudes of each audience. Feel free to use the language here verbatim where appropriate, or pull from the spirit of it.
Interesting & Interested
Galvanized by conversations that linger over pristine plates and classic cocktails, Andiron asserts itself in myriad ways: The passing reference to a place once ventured. A quiet confidence rooted in wisdom. The flicker of a smile upturned with wit. Curious, hospitable, and unapologetically passionate, we revel in details that pique interest and provoke the palate.
Over wood and andirons,
a fire breathes, burns clean.
Earthy reds. Aromatic spices. Laughter hanging over the hum of conversation like heady smoke. Andiron draws on traditions from Texas and travels abroad to upend expectations of the wood-burning steakhouse.
We seek to perfect the essentials:
Flavor. Sear. Service.
By preparing each cut of meat over the vessel best suited for it—whether a Yakitori heated with binchotan charcoal or a churrascaria-style pit—each ingredient is honored.
Combining the flame-focused precision of Candente and the Pit Room with the elevated atmosphere of 1751, Andiron brings the best of our sister concepts to the table to reveal the highest expressions of flavor.
Join us on the terrace; ease into your evening in the lounge. Our menu offers both larger entrées and a series of smaller portions—including a guided multi-course experience—which allows for more tastings, and with them, more time shared.
This is the intersection of respite and revelry. The simple and immense delight of food cooked over fire.
Welcome to Andiron.
Keep the fire burning
Visual Identity
A visual identity is more than a logo. Composed also of typography, color, space, scale, and imagery, our visual identity draws from its unique blend of design elements to create and reinforce a cohesive brand experience, no matter the medium.
Our logo has been tailored to convey a mix of timeless style and contemporary refinement. As a primary visual anchor in our brand system, its consistent treatment builds equity and creates a seamless look and feel across all touchpoints. Please do not modify or attempt to recreate this art in any way.
This is our primary logo and should be used for the majority of branding applications.
For color guidance, visit the Color section.
Clear Space
We mandate a minimum amount of space around the edges of our logo to create clear margins and preserve legibility. The clear space proportions are derived from the dimensions of the letter “A” in our logo. In no instance should a line of text or any other visual element cross into this protective zone. Nobody likes their privacy invaded. Give our logo a little breathing room, and it will draw more attention.
The width of the letter “A” establishes “x,” illustrating the minimum clear space.
Logo Lockups
Simply put, logo lockups are different versions of our logo locked in various positions. To maintain consistency, these lockups should not be taken apart or altered in any way.
Primary Lockup
Our primary, horizontal lockup (displayed in the section above) should be used for the majority of branding applications.
Alternate Lockups
Our alternate logo lockups (shown to the right) should be used sparingly—only when limitations of space and size deem it necessary.
The Vertical Lockup should be used sparingly—only when the space is inherently vertical (e.g. a lamppost banner). The Ampersand Lockup (&Iron) is a tertiary identifier, to be used only in instances where the horizontal or vertical lockups have already been introduced to the viewer.
Incorrect Usage
In order to protect the Andiron brand, always use the provided logo asset files when placing the logo on a deliverable. Never try to recreate the logo by using a different font or by keying the letters in manually. The examples shown demonstrate other modifications that diminish the integrity of the logo.
Do not outline or add
strokes to the logo.
Do not arbitrarily rotate
or reflect the logo.
Do not swap letters or merge
the icon and the logo.
Do not tighten or loosen the
letter spacing of the logo.
Do not distort, condense,
or stretch the logo.
In addition to our primary logo, we have a monogram that can be used (sparingly) for a variety of brand applications. Our monogram is inspired by the structure of a traditional andiron, a grill’s surface, and the unique characteristics found in our logo’s typeface.
Use the Andiron monogram for small branding moments (e.g. social profile image).
File Types
From the side of a building to the screen of a phone, our logo may be scaled and reproduced in a number of ways. To maintain the highest possible quality, three different file types are available for your use. Some logo file types are pixel-based (PNG + JPG) and others are vector-based (EPS). Each file type has a specific use and application, detailed here.
Print Use → EPS & JPG
Digital Use → PNG & JPG
EPS (Encapsulated PostScript)
EPS files should be sent to vendors that require vector art, such as sign fabricators, architects, and embroidery companies. Our EPS logo files are vector-based files and can infinitely scale—best for high-resolution applications. This file can only be modified if you have design software.
PNG (Portable Network Graphic)
PNGs are smaller files best used on the web, e-signatures, etc. Our PNG logo files have a transparent background that maintains the original file appearance. These are pixel-based files and cannot infinitely scale—best when images need to load quickly.
JPG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
JPGs are image-based files that are commonly used for web, presentations, and digital letterheads. They lose their image quality the lower-resolution they get. Our JPG logo files have a white background that appears behind the logo and cannot be removed. These are pixel-based files and cannot infinitely scale.
Color Palette
Color is about impact. Whether it’s the subtle contrast of black and charcoal or a metallic hint of copper, our palette lets us make a statement with minimal effort. In other words, a little goes a long way, so we must take care not to overdo it.
Primary Palette
Our primary palette consists of three hues—Black, Charcoal, and Smoke—with a touch of Metallic Copper. When visitors think of our brand in color, it should be our Black or Charcoal logo tone-on-tone or on a contrasting background. They may also think of our Metallic Copper icon.
HEX #000000
RGB 0, 0, 0
CMYK 100, 100, 100, 100
HEX #333737
RGB 51, 55, 55
PMS Black 7 C/U
HEX #e8e6e0
RGB 232, 230, 224
PMS Warm Gray 1 C/U (various tints)
Supporting Color
In addition to our primary palette, we have a few hues that may be used for added expression: drawing attention to a word or phrase, supporting our tonal textures, creating subtle contrast, etc.
HEX #b8b8b1
RGB 184, 184, 177
PMS 414 C/U
HEX #fd8cfc6
RGB 216, 107, 198
Copper (flat)
HEX #9a5d44
RGB 154, 93, 68
Texture & Material
Much of the Andiron color palette may be expressed through surface textures and materiality. Here are a few of the selected materials used within print and environmental systems.
Keaycolour Holly
by Mohawk Paper
Classic Crest Antique Gray
by Neenah Paper
Classic Crest Epic Black
by Neenah Paper
by Moore & Giles
Buck Brown Harness Leather
by Milton Sokol
Metallic Cooper
Ink: Metallic PMS 876
Foil: Kurz 347 (preferred), General Roll Leaf B44 or GWF 158 (alternatives)
Brand Backgrounds
On Charcoal backgrounds, use the Smoke logo.
On Smoke backgrounds, use the Charcoal logo.
On Smoke backgrounds,
use the Ash logo.
On Bone backgrounds,
use the Smoke logo.
On Ash backgrounds,
use the Smoke logo.
On Black backgrounds,
use the Smoke or White logo.
On Black backgrounds, use the
Charcoal logo (or vice versa).
On Black or Charcoal backgrounds,
use the Metallic Copper logo.
Off-Brand Backgrounds
On light, off-brand backgrounds, use the Black logo.
On dark, off-brand backgrounds, use the White logo.
Color & Typography
When handling type, color need not be shied away from. It just needs to be applied with a little intention.
Here are some examples of suitable color pairings that range from stark to subtle contrast. A general rule of thumb—the smaller the type, the more contrast is needed for better legibility.
From left to right: Charcoal, Copper, and Smoke shown on Black.
From left to right: Ash and Smoke shown on Charcoal.
From left to right: Ash and Charcoal shown on Smoke.
From left to right: Copper and Charcoal shown on Bone.
Typography is one of the most important elements of our brand. It ties together all of our communications, maintains consistency, and builds familiarity over time—people will begin to recognize our brand even before they read it.
Brand Typefaces
Our typographic expression consists of three families: GT Alpina, Adieu, and Vulf Mono.
For headlines and large-scale typography, use GT Alpina Thin or Light. For subheads, use GT Alpina Light or Adieu. For fine copy, body text, and captions, use GT Alpina Regular. For small moments and captions, Vulf Mono Italic can also be used in moderation.
See the Type Usage section for further guidance.
GT Alpina Thin & Light
Use for headlines and subheads
GT Alpina Regular & Italic
Use for fine copy, body text, and captions
Use for small subheads, eyebrows, and short labels
Vulf Mono Italic
Use for small moments and captions
Default Typefaces
There may be instances when our typefaces are not available, as in some word processing programs or digital applications.
In these (hopefully rare) cases, we default to Times New Roman and Arial.
GT Alpina
Times NR
Type Usage
When using typography in branded applications, please follow the guidelines below. A helpful way to get a feel for how to design with these type families is to study how they’re used throughout this Brandpad.
Type Dos
✓ Left-aligned (99% of the time).
✓ Centered (when it makes sense, e.g. a module on our website).
✓ If you’re using GT Alpina or Vulf Mono Italic, set typography in sentence case.
✓ If you’re using Adieu, set typography in uppercase.
✓ When calling attention to certain words or phrases, use italics.
Type Don’ts
The examples shown to the right demonstrate typographic treatments that diminish the legibility, impact, or elegance of our typographic expression. Mouse over each image to see correct usage.
Do not set typography
in all lowercase.
Do not set typography
in all uppercase.
Do not loosen the tracking
of letters (always set spacing
to normal or “0”).
Do not tighten the tracking
of letters (always set spacing
to normal or “0”).
As one of the most important visual branches of our branding, photography should reflect the quality and craft of the food, environment, and culture we embody. We root our imagery in reality—no filters needed. The following categories reflect our subject matters: food, drink, people, and place.
Below you will find a variety of Andiron templates for internal use.
For additional questions or guidance
please contact Principle:
Jackson Mahlke
Senior Designer
→ jackson@designbyprinciple.com