Brand Guidelines
Logo &
Full Logotype
When using our logo, don't place it too close to other items. Give it plenty of breathing room.
If you're showing the circles in context with the Altruist name, consider leaving the word mark off entirely.
If someone is already familiar with Altruist, consider using just the logo mark.
Ivar (primary headlines)
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9.
Aktiv Grotesk (secondary headlines and body text)
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9.
If you can't use our primary fonts, replace Ivar with Georgia and Aktiv Grotesk with Helvetica or Arial.
CMYK 68/64/62/70
RGB 41/38/38
HEX #292626
PMS Black 3 C
Dark Green
CMYK 76/49/73/46
RGB 47/73/58
HEX #2F493A
PMS 4210 C
CMYK 06/05/10/00
RGB 238/235/225
PMS 9285 C
CMYK 70/23/67/05
RGB 84/148/112
HEX #549470
PMS 2249 C
CMYK 00/00/00/00
RGB 255/255/255
Light Green
CMYK 13/03/19/00
RGB 222/231/210
PMS 9042 C
CMYK 49/63/76/49
RGB 87/63/45
HEX #574F2D
PMS 2320 C
CMYK 20/34/71/01
RGB 204/164/98
PMS 7509 C
Light Gold
CMYK 14/13/31/00
RGB 218/210/180
PMS 9202 C
Dark Blue
CMYK 92/64/48/35
RGB 23/68/85
HEX #174455
PMS 302 C
Bright Blue
CMYK 38/10/08/00
RGB 155/199/220
PMS 2717 C
Light Blue
CMYK 16/00/04/00
RGB 211/237/242
PMS 9421 C
Black can be used for headline text and backgrounds.
Off-white is used primarily as a background color, but can also be utilized for text on dark backgrounds.
White should be used for headlines and body copy on dark backgrounds.
Dark green is used as a background color.
Green is our core brand color but should be used only for highlighting items and adding a small splash of color.
Light green is used primarily as a background color.
Brown is used sparingly as a background color.
Gold is used sparingly as a background color.
Light Gold should be used as a background color, but can also be utilized for text on a brown background.
Dark Blue is used sparingly as a background color.
Bright Blue is used sparingly as a background color.
Light Blue is used sparingly as a background color.
& Presentations
Altruist photos should be treated with a warming color balance and a hint of a brown in the shadows. Contact design for guidance.
Remind our users about the good things their money can do for themselves and for others by showing scenes of joy in everyday situations. Focus on the emotion more than the experience.
Choose a diverse set of images. Representing a variety of people helps everyone feel included.
Avoid staged photos and try to choose mid-action shots.
The way money should feel.
This is our primary tagline. It can be used in a broad sense to speak to all audiences. It resonates at an intrinsic level and pairs best with images that depict intimate moments or joyful people.
Feel good about your money.
As a variation of our primary headline, this pairs best with scenes showing family interaction. It's best to use more subtle emotions rather than extreme joy.
Feel good about your financial advice.
A slight adjustment to the previous headline creates a more targeted approach. It still works for both investors and financial advisors but specifies the main purpose of Altruist.
“Good design is as little as possible. Less, but better, because it concentrates on the essential aspects, and the products are not burdened with non-essentials. Back to purity, back to simplicity.
— Dieter Rams.